The Science Explained
Winter Dryness: Why Your Skin is Dry and What You Can Do About It
July 10, 2023

Winter brings a cozy ambiance, but it also brings a common challenge: dry skin. Let's explore what causes this dread phenomenon and discuss some effective tips you can implement to help.

Winter brings a cozy ambiance, but it also brings a common challenge: dry skin. The cold, dry air can leave our skin feeling tight, itchy, and parched. But fear not! In this article, we'll delve into the causes of winter dryness and share effective tips to help you combat this seasonal skin concern. From skincare products to lifestyle changes and dietary adjustments, we've got you covered. Say goodbye to winter dryness and embrace supple, nourished skin all season long.

What causes our skin to dry up in winter?

Winter dryness occurs due to a combination of factors, and although weather conditions play a huge role, there are other lifestyle changes we make during this period that are also contributing.

1. Cold air holds less moisture

Winter air is known for being dry, and this dryness can wreak havoc on our skin. When the humidity level drops, the air saps moisture from our skin, leaving us feeling flaky and itchy. To combat this, invest in a good humidifier and use it in your bedroom to help add moisture back into the air. You'll notice the difference in your skin's hydration levels in no time.

2. Stronger Winds

Stronger winds in winter can also exacerbate the natural moisture loss that occurs in our skin by stripping the skin of its natural oils, which act as a barrier to prevent said water loss. When the skin barrier is compromised, water evaporates from the skin's surface at a much faster rate, leaving it feeling dry, tight, and itchy.

3. Indoor heating

Turning up the heat in our homes and offices may make us feel cozier, but it can also deplete the moisture content in the air, creating an environment that sucks the moisture out of our skin. Heating systems work by circulating hot, dry air, which can evaporate the water in our skin and leave it feeling dehydrated.

4. Hotter Showers & Baths

Taking a long, hot shower in winter feels like pure bliss, but it can lead to dry, itchy skin. Hot water strips the skin of its natural oils, leaving it feeling tight and dry. Instead, opt for shorter showers using warm water and be sure to apply moisturizer immediately after to help lock in the moisture.

5. Drinking Less Water Than Usual

It's easy to forget to drink water when it's cold outside and all you want to do is sip on hot cocoa. However, not drinking enough water can lead to dehydrated skin. Make sure you're staying hydrated and drinking plenty of water throughout the day. This will help keep your skin hydrated and glowing - staying hydrated is also great for eliminating toxins, keeping your brain sharp and focused, and keeping your muscles & cells hydrated so they can operate at their best! There really are no downsides to drinking more water.

Effective tips for alleviating winter dryness

  1. Hydrate, inside and out: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your skin hydrated from within. Additionally, use a humidifier to add moisture to the air in your home.
  2. Swap to a gentler cleanser: Opt for mild, fragrance-free cleansers that won't strip away natural oils. Avoid hot water and choose lukewarm temperatures instead.
  3. Moisturize diligently: Invest in a rich, nourishing moisturizer containing ingredients like hyaluronic acid, ceramides, or glycerin. Apply it immediately after showering or washing your face to seal in moisture.
  4. Exfoliate (gently): Regular exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells, allowing your moisturizer to penetrate better. Choose a gentle exfoliator and limit exfoliation to once or twice a week.
  5. Protect with sunscreen: Don't neglect sun protection in winter. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 to shield your skin from harmful UV rays.
  6. Pamper yourself with hydrating masks: Treat your skin to hydrating face masks once or twice a week. Look for ingredients like aloe vera, honey, or hyaluronic acid to replenish moisture.
  7. Avoid harsh fabrics: Opt for soft, natural fabrics like cotton and silk. Harsh fabrics like wool can irritate and exacerbate dryness.
  8. Introduce face oils into your routine: Face oils rich in omega-3 and omage-6 fatty acids such as Rosehip Seed Oil can help to deeply nourish the skin, providing excellent hydration whilst repairing our skin barrier to protect against the cold weather and it's drying effects. A healthy skin barrier is also far more effective at preventing transepidermal water loss (known as TEWL), resulting in healthier, more hydrated skin. To learn more, check out our other article on face oils here.
  9. Eat more fatty acids & antioxidants: Incorporate foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as fatty fish, flaxseeds, and walnuts, to promote skin hydration. Also, consume foods high in antioxidants, like fruits and vegetables, to support overall skin health.

Frequently asked questions about winter dryness

Can I use a lightweight moisturizer in winter, or should I opt for a heavier one?

In winter, it's beneficial to switch to a richer, more emollient moisturizer to provide extra hydration and protection against harsh weather conditions. As we mentioned above, look for creams and lotions that contain ingredients like hyaluronic acid, which can help the skin retain moisture. Applying a moisturizer immediately after a shower or bath can also help to lock in hydration.

Is it necessary to exfoliate during winter if my skin is already dry?

Yes, but be gentle. Exfoliating removes dead skin cells and allows your moisturizer to work more effectively. Opt for a gentle exfoliator (ideally a chemical exfoliator such as an AHA or BHA product) and limit the frequency to avoid over-exfoliation.

How often should I apply moisturizer during the day to combat winter dryness?

Apply moisturizer at least twice a day, morning and night. If your skin feels particularly dry, consider adding an extra application during the day as needed.

Can certain foods worsen winter dryness?

Some foods, such as caffeinated beverages and excessive alcohol, can contribute to dehydration. It's best to moderate your intake and prioritize hydrating foods like fruits and vegetables.

The bottom line

Dry skin during winter doesn't have to be an inevitable struggle. By understanding the causes and implementing effective tips, you can keep your skin nourished and glowing throughout the season. Remember to hydrate both internally and externally, choose gentle skincare products, moisturize diligently, and protect your skin from harsh weather conditions. Embrace a holistic approach that includes lifestyle adjustments and a skin-friendly diet. With these tips in mind, you'll bid farewell to winter dryness and welcome a season of radiant, supple skin.

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